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Years of experience

Our range of services are tailored to your requirements. 

We can take on as much as what you want to let go of, or as little. Much of our services are geared towards tax compliance procedures that are all encompassing to include year-end accounting and tax needs.

Services are not limited to these so you should enquire if your requirements are not listed

Tax & Compliance – The Core of our Services

Tax & Compliance

Business works well if we are left to do what we do best. We can certainly cater for all the necessary support you require in the accounting, tax and management components of your business.

Annual Accounts and Tax

Annual Accounts and Tax Returns for Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and Sole-traders. Including preparation, filing, following up assessments, timely reminders to clients for tax due. We work with each individual case to ensure the outcome is to your best possible tax advantage.

GST, PAYE, Fringe Benefit Tax, Withholding Tax

Whether it to assess whether any of these are required, and or to administer them, we can meet your obligations right through from registration, processing, filing, and deregistration. You can be assured that the advice and maintenance we provide you is accurate, up to date, and relevant.


Getting the numbers in.

We can recommend solutions for you to either maintain the books yourself, or if you would prefer us to partner up and maintain them on your behalf. Either way, there is a cost effective solution available to you to suit your needs. You may also like to visit the associated page on Business Solutions for more options.

Accounting & Business Solutions

We are largely end users of software. The knowledge gained from our interaction with various accounting software packages available on the market, enables us to assist you in making the right choice of software to suit your business needs.

We are in a position to be able to offer you alternatives, including the offer for us to bring it in house. We can do as much or as little for you, ensuring your choice remains cost effective for both of us.

There are many software solutions out their, and we can work with most. If you prefer to book-keep yourself, our job will be limited to year end work. We can work with you throughout the year to ensure what is presented to us at year-end is accurate and complete.

Insurance Review

Common questions asked by clients

  • What business insurance’s should I have?

  • Should I have life insurance?

  • What about trauma?

  • Can I reduce my ACC costs?

  • Everytime I try to claim ACC, any ailment at my age is designated degenerative – how can I get better cover for the same premium?

  • Do I need Income Protection Insurance?

As part of the process we go through with you at year end, it will become apparent to us just what insurance, both business and personal, you will have. Through experience and in general, we are able to suggest what business insurance’s you should have. We do this in conjunction with a broker, and to you this service from them is free of charge.


For small to medium sized entities, restructures are recommended predominantly for tax advantage. The suggestion to restructure is free advice essentially until you do it. We will tell you whether you need one regardless. Restructures can make a huge difference in certain circumstances.

Some examples of changing structures to best suit your needs and tax advantage are listed below, but not exhaustive:

  • The purchase of a residential property

  • The purchase of a commercial property or business

  • Building wealth

  • Flexibility in trading activity

These are our most popular restructures but again, please enquire should you need advice.

Tax Advisory Service

One of the advantages of being in this field, is that we see a huge cross section of business activity. The knowledge built up over year’s of applying tax law can be invaluable to small to medium business owner’s.

The best advice I can give is not to listen to what others are doing, rather apply the law in relation to what you are doing.

  • To know our stuff we constantly upskill. Tax law is a forever changing platform and requires continuous review.

  • We source reputable tax advisors to assist us not only to upskill, but also to assist us in providing you with the right advice for your particular circumstances.

  • Continuing education is monitored by our governing body that should provide you reassurance that any advice you receive based on the facts provided, will be not only correct, but to your best advantage.

Business Consulting

Who better to guide you on how to run your business? To run a successful business takes time, energy and a good amount of discipline. We can teach you, encourage you, mentor you. Where we can’t provide for you needs, we have access to a trusted network of professional’s to assist us.

To be competitive or gain competitive advantage you should be aware of what you have to achieve and how. Being in this industry also gives us access to like industry results (benchmarking), your expected results. We will scrutinise expenditure to ensure they are necessary, or recommend alternative suppliers that may offer you better discounts.

As part of the process we go through with you at year end, it will become apparent to us just what insurance, both business and personal, you will have. Through experience and in general, we are able to suggest what business insurance’s you should have. We do this in conjunction with a broker, and to you this service from them is free of charge.

Business Startup and Cessation

Whether you are seeking advice on how to or where to begin, or how to and when to stop, we can offer you sound advice to help you make your choices.

Choosing the right structure to trade out of from the beginning is invaluable. It will save you time and money. The complexities of changing structures what with all the different types of tax laws that come into play can best be avoided by making an informed decision from the outset. We are the best ones to give you that advice, so please enquire.

  • Company Incorporation

  • Trust Formation

  • Partnership Agreements

  • All applicable tax applications including GST, Fringe Benefit Tax application, ACC, PAYE, Income Tax……….the list goes on.

Cessation and the complexities that go with it is best dealt with by us. The pitfalls and traps are costly if administered incorrectly

  • When do I deregister for GST?

  • How do I get the assets out of my company?

  • How much am I allowed to sell the assets for out of my entity?

  • I owe the company money – what happens to that if I close the company?

  • What about the bank loans that are still in existence?

Again the questions are not exhaustive, but are good examples of things that can go very wrong if if not done very right.

We encourage anyone that is either thinking of starting a business or in the final stages of one to seek our advice, and let us assist you to ensure those pitfalls and traps are best avoided.